welcome to Flinders Island Business Inc. (FIBI) your business representative dedicated to addressing the important issues to you.
We aim to support local businesses and serve as a dedicated advocate for our members. Whether you are a sole trader, community organisation, or small to medium business, FIBI is here to champion your interests.
Our Association
FIBI is a not-for-profit incorporated association with a volunteer board elected by its members. As a member of the Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (TCCI) FIBI's primary goal is to maximise the economic potential of the Furneaux Islands.
Meeting the Challenges
FIBI focuses on strengthening businesses through tailored assistance, facilitating connections with government advisory services, and championing projects that enhance community prospects. This includes fostering training and employment opportunities, boosting the visitor economy through strategic marketing efforts, and promoting the sustainability of the Furneaux Region.
Become a Member
Together, we can shape the future of Flinders Island's business landscape. Join FIBI now and be a part of driving positive change for our community. Click the link below to become a member today!